Qoutations And Golden words

1. Best inspiring msg of the year..

If u r born poor, it's not ur mistake,

But if u die poor, it's ur mistake.. . - bill gates-

2. Truth of life ...

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone


Remember , finally you have to live with the character

Not with the beauty...

3. Be who you are

Be who you are and say what you feel,

Because those who mind don’t matter,

And those who matter don’t mind.

4. When you want to enjoy life,

Think today as your life’s first day.

When you want to achieve something in life,

Think today as your life’s last day.

5. Success is like a beautiful girl

It will leave us at any time,

But failure is like a mother

It will teach us some important lessons of life.

6. Laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at u!

Live life so well that even death loves 2 c u alive!

Fight so hard that even fate accepts its defeat..!!

7. Apologizing doesn’t always mean..

That u are wrong and the other one is right.

It also at times means that,

U value the relationship much more than ur ego..!!

8. Being good to people is some what similar to

Being a goal keeper..

No matter how many goals you save,

people only remember the 1 you missed…!!

9. Golden words of hitler:

When u are in light,everything will follow u.but when u enter dark,even ur own shadow will not follow u.

That is life…

10. Trusting u was my decision

A friend of mine asked me one day,

“what trust someday“

I replied,

“trusting u was my decision“ & “proving me right is ur choice.“

11. And I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know. Adolf Hitler